501(h) Election
- What is Lobbying Under the 501(h) Election? - fact sheet, Bolder Advocacy an initiative of Alliance for Justice
- Form 5768 - Internal Revenue Service
- Benefits of Filing the 501(h) Election - National Council of Nonprofits
Civic Engagement
- Nonprofits Integrating Community Engagement Guide (N.I.C.E.) - Building Movement Project, 2016
- Tech and Innovation to Re-engage Civic Life - article, Hollie Russon Gilmon, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2015
- Voter Engagement Toolkit: A Nonpartisan Guide for 501(c)(3) Organizations - United Way Worldwide, in partnership with Nonprofit VOTE
- Nonprofit VOTE - toolkits, Nonprofit VOTE
- Third Party Voter Registration Agents - New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State
Compliance, Filing, and Reporting
- Common Tax Law Restrictions on Activities of Exempt Organizations - Internal Revenue Service
- Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public Charities - Internal Revenue Service
- Compliance Guide for Tax-Exempt Organizations (Other than 501(c)(3) Public Charities and Private Foundations) - Internal Revenue Service
- Lobbyist Regulation Act, Article 11 - New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State
- Lobbyist Reporting Schedule - New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State
- Lobbyist Registration - New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State
- 2020 Lobbyist Guide - New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State
- Lobbying - Internal Revenue Service
- Nonprofit Advocacy Rules and Regulations - National Council on Aging
- Lobbying Under the Insubstantial Part Test - fact sheet, Bolder Advocacy an initiative of Alliance for Justice
- Public Charities Can Lobby - fact sheet, Bolder Advocacy an initiative of Alliance for Justice
- What is Lobbying Under the 501(h) Election? - fact sheet, Bolder Advocacy an initiative of Alliance for Justice
- Measuring Lobbying Activity: Expenditure Test - Internal Revenue Service
- Being a Player, A Guide to the IRS Lobbying Regulations for Advocacy Charities - Bolder Advocacy an initiative of Alliance for Justice
Political Campaigns
- The Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations - Internal Revenue Service
Public Policy
- The New Now: Working Together for Social Change - case studies, Building Movement Project, 2015
Advocacy Tools
- Everyday Advocacy - National Council of Nonprofits
- The Power of Board Advocacy: A Discussion Guide for Boards - Stand for Your Mission
- Networked Change: How Progressive Campaigns are Won in the 21st Century - report, NetChange Consulting, 2016