New Mexico Nonprofit Directory

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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.

2680 results ↓
Organization NTEE Code Mission City
B- Education

Manzano Day School is dedicated to innovative child-centered education, excellence in teaching, and Joy in Learning® to...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities Mesilla
S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

To transform the historic railyard into a sustainable and inviting public space for recreational, social, artistic, and...

Santa Fe

The Albuquerque Community Foundation's mission is to build, invest, and manage endowment funds to enhance the quality of our...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

Heartstrings Theatre Company is a performing arts program based in Albuquerque/Rio Rancho available for all students who are...

C- Environment

The mission of Earth Alert! is to contribute to the enormous and ongoing need to educate the public on environmental issues by...

U- Science and Technology Research Institutes

Chemistry for life.

Los Alamos
O- Youth Development

Education of youth from age 6 to 18 in the area of agriculture.

Santa Fe
P- Human Services

The Rio Arriba Community Health Council is the designated Health and Human Services planning council for the Board of Rio...

K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition

The Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute’s mission is to advocate for farmers, ranchers and other land-based producers; provide...

Santa Fe
E- Health Care, L- Housing and Shelter, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit

Through its services and advocacy, the YWCA commits its resources and efforts to eliminate racism and to the empowerment of...

D- Animal Related

To use Internet technology and the resources it can generate to:

Increase public awareness of the availability of high-...

B- Education, C- Environment, D- Animal Related, O- Youth Development

Enriching people's lives by strengthening their connections to our canyons, mesa, mountains and skies

Los Alamos
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education, O- Youth Development

To promote awareness, appreciation and acceptance of cultural diversity through travel.

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

Is to encourage educational achievement through a hands-on approach to film making projects that empower students, enhance...

Santa Fe
J- Employment, Job Related, O- Youth Development, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Mission Statement
HELP - New Mexico exists to create self-sufficiency and promote economic opportunities to strengthen...

, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention


A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education, O- Youth Development, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit, Y- Mutual/Membership Benefit Organizations, Other

To create, maintain and promote a vibrant regional gathering place for the exploration and presentation of diverse and...

Santa Fe
B- Education

The mission of the Read"Write" Adult Literacy Program is to help adults increase their reading, writing, and speaking skills...

T- Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations

The New Mexico Association of Grantmakers is a membership organization consisting of major donors, community, private, family...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

To present beautiul fully staged operas complete with chamber orchestra and platform local and regional amazing talented...

Santa Fe
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, O- Youth Development

Rio Rancho Creative Crossroads (RRCC) is an economic and community development organization for all forms of art and types...

Rio Rancho
E- Health Care

To promote excellence in patient care by identifying and solving physician practice problems in any practice environment...

Albuquerque, NM
R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, T- Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations

St. Anthony's Alliance is a non-profit organization that supports lifesaving and life-enhancing interventions for the health...

Z- Unknown

Fun is the name of the game.

Cedar Crest
