New Mexico Nonprofit Directory

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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.

2673 results ↓
Organization NTEE Code Mission City
O- Youth Development, P- Human Services

Giving our children a little box of smiles and sunshine in their darkest times.

B- Education, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, W- Public, Society Benefit

Working together to help others, and give hope for a better future everywhere.

B- Education

Provide children 6 weeks through 11 years a warm, nurturing, safe environment that promotes creative thinking and problem...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education, J- Employment, Job Related, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

The Española Valley Fiber Arts Center has a two-fold mission: to provide learning opportunities in the fiber arts for people...

E- Health Care

To provide an innovative, flexible and efficient faculty practice organization supporting excellence in the clinical,...

P- Human Services

The Commission on Aging will endeavor to research and develop a comprehensive community program to minister to the needs and...

N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics

Assist in the development of a marketing plan for state parks; and 2) create a Foundation for state parks modeled after the...

B- Education

To provide student-focused adult education and GED preparation in the underrepresented communities where our students live....

L- Housing and Shelter

Mesa to Mesa's mission is to bring people together to improve the health, safety and security of low-income homeowners in...

B- Education, D- Animal Related

The Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse is not organized for the private gain of any person. The primary purpose is to...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education

To create an inclusive learning environment comprised of a demographically and culturally diverse student population with a...

K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition

The mission of the New Mexico Association is to maximize the ability of New Mexico food banks to build a well nourished New...

B- Education

At Coral Community Charter, we are dedicated to providing single-gender classes, quality instruction, individualization, and...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, O- Youth Development

Pomegranate SEEDs is an after school program which strives to present local youth with the finest instruction in Middle...

Santa Fe
R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy

To give every child in every community a wide range of opportunities to experience nature directly, reconnecting our children...

Santa Fe
B- Education

Advance education and advocacy for media justice.

C- Environment, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy

New Energy Economy is dedicated to creating opportunities for New Mexico by developing solutions to global warming.

Santa Fe
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education

Provide a safe place for children to get their education so that they are not hounded by the daily problems in life that can...

C- Environment, D- Animal Related, O- Youth Development, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

To protect wildlife and our environment and to build future conservation leaders by engaging youth in environmental...


To serve as a catalyst to advance the well-being of all people of Southern New Mexico.

Las Cruces
O- Youth Development

Girl Scout educational programs. We help girls develop courage, confidency and character.

M- Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief

The mission of this Search and Rescue team is to provide communications support and other incident command system (ICS)...

B- Education

We use Bible-based tools to partner with individuals and organizations to remove the financial obstacles preventing them from...


We are committed to meeting the transportation needs of those in NM who are unable to meet those needs themselves

B- Education

To support charitable, educational, and scientific activities.

