New Mexico Nonprofit Directory

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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.

2651 results ↓
Organization NTEE Code Mission City
B- Education

Teaching a changeless Christ to a changing world.

B- Education

NMTIE is dedicated to the furtherance of the use of technology, communications and information resources in New Mexico...

Z- Unknown

The Four Corners Coalition for Marriage and Family exists to inspire, educate and train the citizens of the Four Corners to...

S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Collaborative Visions provides a spectrum of resources including network building, technical assistance, facilitation,...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

To cultivate the minds of Albuquerque youth by engaging their bodies and spirits through dance, bridging social, ethnic,...

Z- Unknown

To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life

Santa Fe
O- Youth Development

Through training, discipline and mentoring, The New Mexico Youth ChalleNGe Academy provides the education, leadership,...

E- Health Care

To serve as a public-private coalition that improves the health of New Mexicans who have diabetes and reduces the economic...

B- Education, O- Youth Development

Our mission is inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold. Our vision is empowered girls and women in an equitable...

Santa Fe
F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, L- Housing and Shelter, P- Human Services, X- Religion, Spiritual Development

We exist to permanently end homelessness through our men's and women's rehabilitation programs. We believe that lasting change...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

To enrich the human spirit by connecting people with the arts, traditions, and cultures of the world.

Santa Fe
B- Education, C- Environment, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, X- Religion, Spiritual Development

Our primary mission is to promote a better relationship between human beings and our Mother, the Earth. Our prayer is for the...

L- Housing and Shelter

Habitat for Humanity of Roswell, Inc. works with donors, volunteers, and homeowners to create decent affordable housing for...

B- Education

Function as a city library.

Z- Unknown

Fun is the name of the game.

Cedar Crest
B- Education

To provoke and provision excellence in the living artwork of its core performing group, to unleash the skills, practices and...

N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics

The purpose of the Albuquerque Baseball Academy Touch Em All Foundation is to Promote, Advance, and Sponsor amateur baseball...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, E- Health Care, P- Human Services

To comfort the physical,emotional and spiritual pain of the critically ill and their loved ones using live prescriptive music...

El Rito
Z- Unknown

To conduct the world’s premier ballooning event while renewing friendships and promoting camaraderie among all participants...

B- Education, L- Housing and Shelter, O- Youth Development, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Carlsbad Community Development Corporation (CCDC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation established for the promotion of...


We support New Mexico companies, New Mexican entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to make a difference in our state.

P- Human Services

To provide a healthy, productive, educational, and safe after-school child supervision alternative for Tombaugh Elementary...

Las Cruces
C- Environment, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition

Our mission is to educate people to manage land for a sustainable future.

K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition

Improve conditions of minority farmers.

Las Cruces
G- Disease, Disorders, Medical Disciplines, H- Medical Research, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics

Our mission is to connect children with autism through unique tennis programs, and to develop and advance proven methods to...

Rio Rancho
