New Mexico Nonprofit Directory

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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.

2678 results ↓
Organization NTEE Code Mission City
B- Education

Promote and support education.

Red River
B- Education, C- Environment, O- Youth Development

Earth Care's mission is to educate and empower youth to create healthy, just and sustainable communities.

Santa Fe
Q- International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security

Waterlines' purpose is to aid U.S. churches and other organizations in providing clean drinking water and adequate sanitation...

Santa Fe
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

To provide quality music education and performance opportunities for adults and youth, emphasizing individual growth and...

V- Social Science Research Institutes

To foster a transdisciplinary research community that expands the boundaries of scientific understanding and to discover the...

Santa Fe
B- Education

We strive to make sure our children are receiving the best possible education, by placing them in the driver's seat. We teach...

E- Health Care

End Of Life Options New Mexico provides information and support for all End-Of-Life options, including Medical Aid In Dying (...

O- Youth Development, D- Animal Related, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention

Serenity Acres is a non profit organization that assists in the adoption, and placement of horses that are at risk for abuse,...

Silver City
B- Education

To empower adults with the literacy and language skills they need to be effectively and positively involved in family, work,...

R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy

To maintain and advance the cause of civil liberties with particular emphasis on the freedom of religion, speech, press,...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, O- Youth Development

Pomegranate SEEDs is an after school program which strives to present local youth with the finest instruction in Middle...

Santa Fe
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

Nourishes photography at its sources, encouraging photographers, projects and publications and the museums that house...

Santa Fe
N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, B- Education, O- Youth Development, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

NRA Whittington Center provides opportunity for all people to enjoy our distinct American Heritage of the great outdoors, with...

F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, L- Housing and Shelter

The mission of the Valencia Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence is to provide relief and support for victims of domestic...

Los Lunas
P- Human Services

FSFC is dedicated to providing opportunities for children to have safe and conflict-free access to both parents.

Rio Rancho
P- Human Services, W- Public, Society Benefit

Through our work, Family Strengths Network improves the quality of family life for generations. FSN provides educational and...

Los Alamos
R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy

NM CAFé has been a crucial actor in the political landscape in southern New Mexico creating a “land of opportunity” by...

Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States
B- Education, C- Environment, D- Animal Related, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Return New Mexico’s rivers to drinkable quality where possible; see that natural flows are maintained and artificial flows are...

B- Education, J- Employment, Job Related, O- Youth Development, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy

The mission of the NFB of New Mexico is to achieve widespread acceptance and understanding that the real problem of blindness...

B- Education, O- Youth Development, Q- International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security, W- Public, Society Benefit

Strengthening global connections through one to one communication

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education

To ignite imagination, build community and promote social justice through performance and hands-on experiences in the arts of...

Santa Fe
C- Environment, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy

New Energy Economy is dedicated to creating opportunities for New Mexico by developing solutions to global warming.

Santa Fe
B- Education, C- Environment, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, L- Housing and Shelter, M- Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, W- Public, Society Benefit

Who I Am Foundation is an advocate for our communities nationwide. Our mission is to define the problem, create a gateway and...

C- Environment, M- Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit

Albuquerque Mountain Rescue provides advanced medical and technical rescue support in the back country and wilderness areas...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

The Roswell Community Little Theatre is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to the production and presentation of...

