The Archaeological Conservancy
The Archaeological Conservancy is dedicated to acquiring and preserving the best of our nation's endangered archaeological sites.
The Archaeological Conservancy, established in 1980, acquires and preserves America's most important archaeological sites. Because a majority of endangered sites are on private property, they are not protected by law and are subject to destruction at the whim of thier owners. In order to save archaeological sites throughout the nation, the Conservancy:
* Identifies the most important archaeolgical sites;
* Acquires the property by purchase, gift, or bargain sale to charity;
* Secures the property and stabilizaes the cultural resources in situ;
* Manages the archaeological preserve as part of a long-term plan;
* Educates the general public and local officials about the destruction of our cultural heritage and how we can preserve what remains.
The Conservancy also publishes American Archaeology, a quarterly magazine devoted to the archaeology in the Americas.
The Conservancy conducts tours in the American Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, and West as well as Mexico and Central and South America.
Mark Michel