Dates Volunteer is Needed:
Saturday, October 29 from approximately 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Description of the Volunteer Opportunity:
We are seeking event-day volunteers to do things such as:
Manage waters stations: we have 2 stations and could use 2-3 people per station. This is great for families or small groups!
Help take donations at various areas: either collect cash or ensure that a donation has been made on the ACS FUNdraising app on the participant's phone; we have 3 areas where this is needed with up to 5 volunteers each
General Event Day Help; we need help at our photo booth (getting people into lines), at our Giant Pink Chair (gently reminding people not to bounce on it and helping take photos), and to our refreshments tent, amonth other places!
Who Will Be Impacted Through This Project:
Making Strides raises funds for breast cancer research and education, but the people who will be impacted by the Making Strides Walk the most that day will be our Survivors and those who have lost ones to cancer. This is a celebration of their fight and a way to honor those who are no longer with us.
Is This an Ongoing Opportunity?:
Is This a Group Opportunity?: