Reel Fathers
REEL FATHERS inspires and supports men to build loving, committed relationships with their children by using film as a touchstone for reflective dialogue, by teaching key skills, and by elevating the cultural perception of fathers.
Dads and Kids Night -- Signature program of special events for fathers with children in Head Start centers and elementary schools using animated children's videos with father-family themes as a catalyst for dialogue, creative activities, father-centered parenting skills and community building. Cited as "best practice" by U.S. Administration of Families-Region 6/HHS.
Fathers and Mothers in Focus -- Builds on Dads and Kids Night model to create a longer, more in-depth parental skill-building program that includes a half-day retreat. Mothers attend 75% of sessions.
Phoenix Fathers -- Communication skill-building program for incarcerated fathers using film, dialogue, journaling and experiential exercises to prepare fathers to re-unite with their children and partners.
Fathers in Focus -- Creative intensives in filmmaking, radio broadcast and poetry for highly at-risk youth to understand, heal, renew or deepen their relationship with their father by doing original work in a supportive environment on the theme of Fathers.
Deborah Boldt