Prosperity Works
Prosperity Works builds the capacity of organizations, and advocates for policies, that support economic prosperity for all New Mexicans.
We provide programs to enable moderate-income, working New Mexicans to develop financial goals and a savings plan to meet those goals through Individual Development Accounts; financial literacy education; tax preparation assistance.
We help New Mexicans to use their savings to acquire assets such as a college education, a first home, or to start a business. We work closely with partner organizations across the state to work with under-served populations.
We also advocate for policies to increase New Mexican's access to bank sservices, affordable energy and opportunities to move out of poverty and towards prosperity.
We are in the process of developing Child Development Accounts and a Trust Fund to enable families to start their children on the path towards future prosperity.
Data collection and evaluation of our impact and the return on investment of our work is an on-going part of our work.
Arellana Cordero (President & CEO)