Cancer Services of New Mexico
Providing services to reduce cancer suffering for New Mexico's families.
Family Cancer Retreats - free, three-day, educational programs held in Glorieta, NM, each Spring and Fall for NM's adult cancer patients/survivors and their loved ones.
Each program features 30-40 speakers, including 12-15 physicians, on a wide range of cancer-related topics. The entire program including meals, lodging, and all educational sessions is provided at no charge to participants.
Legal, Insurance, and Paperwork Assistance (LIPA) Program - Free clinics and tools to help manage a wide range of cancer-related legal, insurance, and paperwork issues.
Volunteer attorneys, insurance experts, financial experts, and health care experts are available to provide individualized assistance to cancer patients and their loved ones statewide.
Family Cancer Resource Bags - Free information kits distributed statewide to help newly diagnosed parents and their children aged 3-18 cope with the impact of cancer on their families.
Zoo Night for Kids with Cancer - A free program held at the Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque each year for NM's pediatric cancer patients and survivors and their families.
Blaire Larson