Local Energy

Mailing Address: PO Box 41, Tesuque, NM 87574
County of Location: Santa Fe
Phone: (505) 820-2312
NTEE Code: B- Education, C- Environment, I- Crime, Legal Related, M- Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, U- Science and Technology Research Institutes, W- Public, Society Benefit
Mission Statement:

Through research, education and projects, Local Energy helps communities develop local self-reliance in energy to reduce their vulnerability to fossil-fuel decline. We promote increased use of local resources and systems that can reduce the flow of energy dollars leaving the community.

Primary Programs:

- Policy research

Populations Served: All Populations
Counties Served: Statewide
Year Founded:


Annual Budget: $24,999 or less
Personnel: 1 to 5 FTE
Executive Director:

Mark Sardella

Accepts inquiries: Accepts inquiries about volunteering
Nonprofit Status: Has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS

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