SafeTeen New Mexico
Our mission is to create awareness in order to facilitate healthy decision making by youth. Students and schools work with SafeTeen on school-based programs as well as broad based social marketing campaigns. SafeTeen exists to prevent injury, death and disability resulting from poor teen choices.
SafeTeen New Mexico is a youth driven non-profit organization. We partner with both public and private entities to fund and create programs that educate teens, parents and educators about critical issues facing youth. We work with a core group of students to create an innovative, high impact experience that allows teens to hear from their peers and fully understand the dangers that exist around these youth related issues.
School based awareness programs: SafeTeen works with school students and staff to create a customized, in school assembly that address the issues and consequences that can have lifelong and even deadly outcomes including:
• Distracted driving
• Drinking
• Drug abuse
• Date violence
• Mental health issues
• Body image
and others.
Broad based social marketing campaigns: SafeTeen creates a social marketing campaign each year around a youth safety issue. Topics selected in conjunction with our Youth Advisory Board, the campaign usually consists of a television broadcast documentary and statewide town hall meeting, other electronic and print media partnerships, as well as innovative outreach efforts.
Chris Schueler