Matthew 25 Food Pantry, Inc

405 Austin
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
Matthew 25 Food Pantry is a non-profit, equal opportunity, all volunteer organization, established to help eradicate hunger in Sierra County, NM.
Matthew 25 Food Pantry’s stated purpose is to provide food assistance to all residents of Sierra County New Mexico living at or below the Federal Poverty level who are underprivileged or impoverished. This assistance is available to those who qualify, without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, spousal affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical handicap or medical condition.
Matthew 25 Food Pantry, a non-profit 201(c)3, has provided food to underprivileged and impoverished in Sierra County, NM for over 15 years. Approximately 75% of food distribution in Sierra County is for residents of Truth or Consequences while the other 25% are residents in rural areas of the county. Annually the average of over 3,000 baskets feed 6,200 people. Totals of 2022/2023 year-to-date (July-March) resulted in over 2300 baskets feeding 4,600 people or an average of over 500 people per month. Each person receives around 30 lbs of fresh, canned and frozen goods each visit.
Matthew 25 is managed by an all volunteer staff. Volunteers regularly spend 20-30 hours per week in many tasks including food ordering, food recovery and pick-up, delivery truck food hauling, storage, inventory, facility maintenance, office administration, customer registration and support, grant writing, financial management, and food basket preparation and distribution.
Harry Nordgren