New Mexico Open Elections
New Mexico Open Elections, NMOE, is a New Mexico based 501 c3, non-profit organization. NMOE advances a movement of diverse New Mexicans who believe in a simple, yet radical idea: no New Mexican should be required to join a political party to fully and fairly exercise their right to vote. Our mission is to encourage more voter participation and candidate participation and reward coalition building and problem solving among elected officials by ensuring that all eligible citizens can exercise their right to vote in every public election.
Advocating for the immediate passage of legislation that will allow independent voters to vote in partisan primaries.
Advocating for the adoption of a non-partisan redistricting commission so that the power to create legislative districts is removed from incumbent politicians (end gerrymandering).
Ensuring that independent and minor party candidates have equal ballot access.
Using thoughtful, well-reasoned legal challenges to open up primaries and force the legislature to take action on other reforms NMOE supports.
Facilitating conversation and eventual adoption of non-partisan primaries and ranked choice voting in the General.
Steward outreach, education, and strategic partnership development to engage grassroots and grass tops stakeholders across New Mexico in how election reform ties directly to complex social issues and public policy needs.
Bob Perls