Public Health Acupuncture of New Mexico
The mission of Public Health Acupuncture of New Mexico is to promote the use of acupuncture to improve the health of people, to reduce health disparities, and to develop a public health acupuncture practitioner workforce for New Mexico.
Acudetox (ear acupuncture for addictions) programs
• Provide acudetox treatments to people affected by substance use and addiction.
• Provide technical support to substance user treatment, prevention and harm reduction programs to develop acudetox and other acupuncture programs.
• Provide acupuncture supplies, insurance, and supervision (as required by law) on a case-by-case basis for acudetox programs and specialists.
• Evaluate acudetox and other programs and communicate their effectiveness to the public.
• Advocate for acudetox programs and clients.
Community Acupuncture Programs
Provide low-cost acupuncture services with a focus on underserved populations.
• Community Acupuncture Clinic in Albuquerque NE Heights open to public
• Community Acupuncture Clinic at Manzano del Sol Retirement Village
Education Programs
• Train acudetox (ear acupuncture for addictions) specialists.
• Train acupuncturists in public health acupuncture skills.
Nityamo Lian, DOM, MPH