Jobs for America's Graduates-NM,Inc.
Mailing Address: 320 Gold Ave. SW, Ste. 620 PMB 1381, Albuquerque, NM 87102
County of Location: Bernalillo
Phone: 5052399270
Email: [email protected]
NTEE Code: B- Education
Mission Statement:
The mission of Jobs for America's Graduates-NM is to provide educational products and services to at-risk New Mexico youth and other populations for the purpose of helping them to obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent, to attain employability skills, to transition into the workplace and higher education, and to secure a quality job with the opportunity for career advancement.
Populations Served: African-American, Asian-American, Children and Youth, Disabled, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Homeless, Immigrants, Latino/Hispanic, Low Income, Native American, Rural, Urban
Counties Served: Statewide
Year Founded:
Annual Budget: $100,000 - $249,999
Personnel: 1 to 5 FTE
Executive Director:
Kay Provolt
Nonprofit Status: Has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS
Types of Services Offered: Direct Services