Recovery Friendly Workplaces of NM
377 Ruffles Lane
Corrales NM 87048
Provide an employment path for people addicted to drugs or alcohol. Recovery FriendlyWorkplaces
of New Mexico, Inc. will collaborate with existing recovery support resources to create programs in
the workplace to support the employees in continued recovery while keeping their jobs. Recovery
Friendly Workplaces Inc. will strategically recruit businesses to hire individuals who have completed
recovery programs and are willing to provide time during the workday for the employee to attend
recovery support programs.
Reaches out to other organizations that serve people with addictions and provide addiction recovery programs.
Hires counselors that specialize in addiction recovery to provide their services at the recovering addicts workplaces.
Recruit businesses to provide jobs in a Recovery Friendly Workplace for people that have completed an approved addiction recovery program.
Lorie Guthrie