Quetzalcoatl Temple
33 Black Dog road
The general purposes for which this Corporation/Organization has been established are as follows: To provide scientific research, education and services related to the indigenous healing systems of the Maya and Naga Maya.
This ¬service includes;
Providing the medicinal seeds used in these traditions with training to plant and use them, for underprivileged communities.
Education on these healing systems is provided through the school for healers known as Escuela de Curanderimso.
Research benefitting the public will be conducted with the traditional medicinal plants of the Maya and Naga Maya. Results will be made available to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Annual giveaway of medicinal and heritage food plants
Training in Escuela de Curanderismo in traditional use of medicinal plants
Training in growing and distilling native plants for alcohol fuel
Giving organic sesame oil to community
Athena Wolf
EIN 83-4408219