Sofia Center For Professional Development
The Sofia Center for Professional Development transforms teaching and leading through relevant, challenging, and soulful professional development for educators. We engage educators in reflection, dialogue, and action focused on essential questions about teaching and learning. We nurture and restore educators’ sense of calling and purpose, and empower educators to be creators of innovative change in their schools and communities.
REFLECT : INNOVATE : ACT - monthly event convening 50-90 educators to explore critical & invigorating education topics; offered at no cost to participants; over 70 events in this series
WILD LEADERSHIP - annual retreat for education leaders focused on the Sofia Center's 8 Wild Leadership Principles; 7 retreats to date
PARTICIPANTS - from over 330 schools and organizations: public and independent school teachers and leaders, social justice advocates, community changemakers, museum directors, detention center educators
COLLABORATORS - intentional collaboration and authentic partnership with diverse education experts, amplifying the voices of our local community and sharing national expertise with New Mexico; over 90 guest programs to date
DESIGN & LEADERSHIP - we design and lead experiences that meet the unique needs of teams, departments, and entire schools; more than 100 full-day experiences for groups ranging from 10 to 100, locally and nationally
Sheryl Chard