T2 Ministry Of New Mexico, Inc

The AWANA program at Grace Church has been an integral part of the children’s and youth ministries since the early 1960’s. Meeting during the regular school year, our program runs from mid to late August through the first week of May.
Besides an evening with games and fun activities, AWANA emphasizes through His word a saving personal relationship with Christ and also challenges our students to learn how to serve Him with their lives and the importance of serving the community of believers as well as the world community as a whole.
Weekly mid-school and high school clubs.
Monthly and yearly activities to foster community, for outreach in service to others and strengthening their faith.
Growing in the Gospel:
T2 Ministry will provide students with the tools to set the words of the Holy Scripture on their hearts.
Fostering Community:
This organization will establish an environment which fosters community with a student's peers and leaders
Encouraging Leadership:
Each week, T2 Ministry will provide a structure for blossoming leaders of all ages to encourage others in the Christian walk
Enabling Service:
The structure of T2 Ministry will inspire students to further engage with the world around them for the purpose of furthering God's kingdom on Earth
Stephen Babicz