Bernalillo County Extension Master Composters

Mailing Address: 1510 Menaul Boulevard NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107
County of Location: Bernalillo
Phone: (505) 929-0414
Mission Statement:

The mission of the master composter program in Bernalillo County
is to educate interested citizens on how to voluntarily channel organic home waste into a beneficial resource. The mission is accomplished by the training of volunteer educators who are then available for the community to teach, encourage and support citizens in the science, materials and methods of home composting.

Primary Programs:

Free to the public classes on various composting methods.
Classes are presented at various times at various venues in
Bernalillo County and surrounding communities.

Other Programs:

Annually a comprehensive, day long, home composting workshop at a very moderate cost.
Annually a 26 hour training for master composter volunteers.

Populations Served: All Populations
Counties Served: Bernalillo
Year Founded:


Annual Budget: $24,999 or less
Personnel: All Volunteer
Executive Director:


Accepts inquiries: Accepts inquiries about volunteering
Nonprofit Status: Has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS, Is registered as a Nonprofit Corporation with the State of New Mexico
Types of Services Offered: Direct Services


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