Railyard Stewards
Mission: Providing community stewardship and advocacy for the care and programming of the Santa Fe Railyard Park + Plaza.
Vision: A vibrant, beautiful, popular and safe gathering place representing the history, values and aspirations of the people of Santa Fe.
Yardmasters and Youth-In-Service Programs-The Railyard Stewards host local and nationally based youth groups to assist us with conservation projects, horticultural care and maintenance of the cultivated gardens and landscapes in Santa Fe's urban, 13-acre Railyard Park.
The Yardmasters adult group works in the Park Tuesday and Thursday mornings year-round. Outdoor Science Classroom hosts elementary schools during the fall to increase science literacy for students through hands-on, experiential activities that complement classroom science curricula.
The Community Horticultural Workshop Series is offered during the spring and summer on Saturday mornings with topic including: fruit tree pruning, xeric gardening practices, water conservation, pest management, with other topics like mushrooms native to NM, and native bee and bat habitats. The RAC juries public art installations for temporary installation in the Park.
Linda Shafer