Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe
The mission of Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe is to create opportunities and improve lives by
providing free tutoring to adults in reading, writing,and speaking English.
Basic Literacy: Adults who have limited or no literacy skills are matched with tutors who help them meet their learning goals. Students also have the opportunity to learn basic computer literacy skills in our open computer lab, which has reading, typing, and job readiness software.
Workplace Tutoring Groups: Tutors go to hotels, restaurants, and other workplaces to teach small groups of employees English as a Second Language. Employers provide time off for employees to be tutored (typically three hours per week) and often pay them for this time.
Community and Neighborhood Tutoring Groups: English as a Second Language tutors meet with small groups of students in community and neighborhood locations. Current sites include Santa Fe Community College, public libraries, churches, health clinics, schools, and neighborhood community centers.
Computer Literacy: Students work with volunteers on computers to improve their reading and writing skills. Not only do students use targeted instructional software, they learn some computer basics, including how to correct their spelling, research topics of interest, write resumes, conduct job searches, and more.
Letty Naranjo