Through teamwork, communication and training, Ambercare will continue to provide the most compassionate care, meeting the highest standards of quality for individuals and their families in the comfort of their own homes.
Kindness-refers to actions and behavior marked by concern for others welfare, comfort and happiness.
Does this describe you?
If it does, Ambercare wants you to volunteer an hour a week to share your kindness with another person. Hospice volunteers offer comfort and support to patients and their families wherever a patient lives-whether it’s a private home of a facility. Hospice volunteers, read, take walks, listen, hold a hand, prepare a meal, play cards and touch a life…including your own.
Please contact: Ambercare at (505)244-0046, or via email: [email protected]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop
Volunteers must be:
• 18 years of age
• Possess a valid driver’s license and auto insurance
• Agree to background check, TB and drug test
• Complete training program
• Submit required weekly paperwork