Cancer Support Now
Cancer Support Now: We are a community of survivors reaching out, supporting, informing and advocating for survivors, their loved ones and caregivers.
Cancer Support,a membership-based group of volunteers who have a personal experience of cancer either as a survivor or caregiver,provide free:
1. Peer support facilitator training for those wishing to provide cancer peer support facilitation of groups or provide matched one-on-one peer cancer support;
2. A Helpline that is answered by a cancer survivor from 9am to 9pm seven days a week. Calls received on voice mail are returned in a prompt manner.Referrals are made to our 12 support groups, one-on-one support or referrals are made to other appropriate resources;
3. Caring for the Cancer Caregiver Workshops;
4. One-on-one smoking cessation support is provided free based on the American Lung Association's evidence based Freedom From Smoking program; 5. A day-long Long-Term Effects of Cancer Survivorship Conference on a annual basis with scholarships available to cover registration fee. Nationally know experts on long-term effects of cancer surviorship participate in the conference as keynote speakers.
Patricia Torn