United Way of North Central New Mexico

Mailing Address: 2340 Alamo Ave. SE, 2nd Floor, Albuquerque, NM 87106
County of Location: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Torrance, Valencia
Phone: 505-247-3671
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.uwncnm.org
NTEE Code: P- Human Services, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, T- Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations
Mission Statement:
Our mission is connecting people to opportunities and services to equitably improve lives and strengthen communities.
Primary Programs:
Rising Together: Educational Attainment & Family Stability
211 Helpline
Tax Help New Mexico
Family Advocacy Center
Populations Served: All Populations
Counties Served: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Torrance, Valencia
Year Founded:
Nonprofit Status: Has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS
Types of Services Offered: Advocacy, Direct Services, Community Organizing