Life Center Foundation
A public charitable foundation that supports non-profit organizations in New Mexico which focus on at-risk children and youth.
The Life Center Foundation, Inc. is a public Charitable Foundation based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Its mission is to provide grants to essential non-profit agencies in New Mexico that serve disadvantaged and at-risk children and youth. All areas are considered from essential services of food, health and shelter to education and the arts. Applying agencies must have been in business for at least three years.
Grants are given annually with requests for application in January of each new year. Grants are due by the end of the first quarter of each year and are awarded in the fourth quarter of each year. Funds are dispersed in the first quarter of the granting year.
Grants for 2012 are currently being considered. The next grant cycle begins in January 2012 for grants to be funded in 2013. Check our web site for more information.
Marjorie Miller-Engel, Board President & Founder