National Alliance on Mental Illness - New Mexico
NAMI-New Mexico is an effective mental health organization dedicated to empowering and enlightening New Mexico’s diverse population through advocacy, education and support.
Family to Family: A free twelve week course for family caregivers of individuals with severe mental illnesses that discusses the clinical treatment of these illnesses and teaches the knowledge and skills that family members need to cope more efficiently.
Peer to Peer: A free nine week course for consumers containing individuals relapse prevention planning, a debriefing/storytelling week, and an advance directive for psychiatric care.
In Our Own Voice: A 1-1/2 hour interactive multimedia presentation by consumers that offers hope and provides insight into the recovery now possible for people with mental illness.
Connection: A recovery support group program for people living with mental illness and provides a place that offers respect, understanding, encouragement and hope.
Treatment Guardian: Court appointed volunteers who make treatment decisions for persons with mental illness who lack decisional capacity.
Family to Family 12 week education program, free to the public for family members.
IOOV presentations