New Mexico State Bar Foundation
To raise funds for the delivery of legal service to all in need of such services
The New Mexico State Bar Foundation, the non-profit arm of the State Bar of New Mexico operates several public service programs including:
1) Public legal workshops on the topics of consumer debt/bankruptcy and estate planning/probate where participants hear an educational presentation, have an opportunity to speak with an attorney privately, and a chance to qualify for reduced fee or pro bono services.
2) Civic-related education programs for students grades K-12 including Constitution Day, Essay Contest, Dialogue in the Schools, and Know the Law before the Law Knows You.
3) Law Day call-in program in celebration of Law Day, where the public may call in and speak to an attorney on the phone for free; and
4) Referral programs, including Lawyer Referral for the Elderly Program, a statewide telephone hotline and referral service for New Mexico residents age 55 and over. LREP outreach also includes legal workshops and clinic in remote towns across the state.
Other referral and education programs are also available through the Bar Foundation. All programs incorporate volunteer attorneys.
Kate Mulqueen, PhD