Community Against Violence
The Mission of Community Against Violence, Inc. is to foster and support a community free from all forms of domestic and sexual violence.
Taos County's only domestic violence service provider, shelter, child abuse and rape crisis center offers crisis intervention through 24 hour hot-line at 575-758-9888, and emergency shelter; ongoing support and recovery services including accompaniment during medical exams and visits with law enforcement; legal advocacy; individual adult and child counseling; support groups for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence; and age appropriate prevention and education programs including outreach to Native communities and within the immigrant population. CAV is home to the Taos Children's Saferoom which provides forensic interviews to law enforcement in Taos, Colfax, Union and San Miguel Counties of children and developmentally delayed adults who have been the victims of domestic or sexual abuse or who have witnessed violent crime.
Malinda Williams