Dec 21, 2020
Donate Your Time or Gifts to Those in Need
This is a growing list of New Mexico organizations that serve homeless and low-income families. Below are specific donation and volunteer needs.
- APS, Adopt a Family: Contact the Family Liaison for the Albuquerque Public School you are interested in supporting, they will be able to tell you how many families at their school need help with gifts for the holidays.
- Albuquerque Rescue Mission: Need canned goods, knit hats, gloves, scarves, socks, underwear, t-shirts, jackets, blankets and new, unopened toiletries. (Contact Maribel Villa by email or by phone, 505-346-4673).
- All Faiths: Needs new, unwrapped toys for low-income families. Volunteer opportunities (1-2 hour shifts) - staff toy room when parents come to "shop" for toys for the kids. (For age specific gift ideas, contact Erin Crook by email or by phone, 505-271-0329).
- Barrett Foundation: Adopt a familiy, needs gifts for homeless women and children.(Contact Ellen Castille or Dianna Tuggle by email or by phone, 505-246-9244 ext 102).
- Crossroads for Women: Need nonperishable food items (peanut butter, pasta, soup, canned vegetables, instant potatoes, cereal, dried fruit), cleaning supplies and new, unopened toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, laundry detergent, dish soap and toilet paper). (Contact Amanda Douglas by email or by phone, 505-242-1010).
- Heading Home, Sponsor a Family: You will be matched with a family in need that is newly housed in their home for the holidays. Donations needed: men's, women's and children's socks, pajamas, men's underwear, toiletries and gift cards. (Contact Dorothee Otero by phone, 505-226-1700 ext 204).
- PB&J Family Services, Adopt a Family: Holiday gifts needed: gift certificates, toys, educational books, clothing, blankets, bath towels, pots and pans. (Contact Donna by email or by phone, 505-877-7060).
- HopeWorks: Warm clothing for men’s and women’s (no children’s clothing, please) are needed, along with blankets, sleeping bags, and hand-warmers. Contact Emma Lewis by email or call with questions, 505-242-4399 ext 329.
- Valencia Shelter for Domestic Violence: Need food donations (canned good, grocery store gift cards), hats, gloves, gift cards (Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) to give to families for the holidays. (Contact Alexandria Taylor by email or call Oralia Garcia with questions, 505-565-3100).
- United Way of Central New Mexico: Check out the UWCNM list of agencies, churches and schools in need of aid for the holidays to find opportunities to give back this holiday season.
If you would like to find other volunteer opportunities, check out New Mexico Volunteer Connection.
Attention Nonprofits: If you would lilke to add your organization's winter and holiday specific needs to this list, post volunteer opportunities and Goods Needed listings.
Questions, contact Annie Sanchez at the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, [email protected] or 505-247-3671 ext 173.
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Center for Nonprofit Excellence