Volunteering Trends You Should Know About

Emerging Trends in 2018.

Organizations that assist others and their communities rely on committed volunteers. Although that reality is constant from year-to-year, there are some trends you’re likely to see in 2018. And these trends have the potential to change what compels people to give their time to good causes. 
Purpose is a universal human need that’s not just limited to millennials. When your organization incorporates this mindset into your strategy, it’ll be easier to connect with potential candidates. 
Trend #1: in an effort to attract more millennials, more nonprofits are emphasizing how they offer ways to add purpose to people’s lives through volunteering. In contrast to older generations that see charitable causes as separate from their everyday lives, millennials often view the two as linked and want to live in ways that help them give back.
Kayla Matthews | VolunteerMatch | February 6, 2018

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