UWCNM to Support Dog Head Fire Victims

The United Way of Central New Mexico has provided an emergency grant for $10,000 to help residents who have lost their homes from the recent fire in Bernalillo and Torrance Counties.

Dog Head Fire Donation Fund

The "Dog Head Fire Donation Fund” will be administrated by the Bethel Community Storehouse in Moriarty. Bethel will be working with local authorities to identify those most in need of financial help, particularly anyone who has lost a primary residence, or who lacks insurance. 100% of the funds will be dispersed to victims.

UWCNM Grant Funding

The number of structures now lost in the Dog Head Fire is rivaling the Trigo Fire of 2008; UWCNM also donated to support victims of that event. UWCNM does not normally grant funding outside of its usual grant-making cycle, except in cases of community-wide disasters, such as fires.

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