NM Women's Foundation Accepting Grant Applications for Self Sufficiency Programs

The New Mexico Women's Foundation is accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations to help make it possible for women to generate income through their work with arts, crafts, home enterprises, and cottage industries.

To be eligible for micro-grants, which usually range between $2,000 and $4,000 each, groups must be located in New Mexico, have some type of governing body, and consist of three or more women. This includes emerging grassroots groups and organizations with the stated purpose of assisting women and girls in the development and operation of cottage industries.

The foundation requires that organizations applying for grant money respond to the needs of women by helping them become entrepreneurs, promote and develop women's confidence and leadership abilities, and create programs that allow women to stay in their communities and produce services or products.

For complete program guidelines, visit the foundation's Web site: nmwf.org/

Application Deadline: May 12, 2010

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