Make a Difference Day Event a Success!

The annual Make a Difference Day event scheduled for Friday October 26th and Saturday October 27th has passed.  A total of 59 projects were registered by nonproft agencies in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho with over 600 volunteers signing up to make a difference in their communities.

Volunteering offers the satisfaction of incorporating service into our lives and making a difference in our communities and country.  The intangible benefits of pride, satisfaction and accomplishement are worthwhile reasons to serve. 

The Make a Difference Day committee is grateful to all of those that participated - agencies listing interesting and important projects, volunteers consisting of families and friends rolling up their sleeves to help their neighbors, and our sponsors who continue to support this event every year with their generous donations!

The 2013 Make a Difference Day dates are Friday October 25th and Saturday October 26th.  We hope you will continue to be a part of this annual event.  Again, THANK YOU!


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