Jan 18, 2018
HEP Set to Distribute Resource Pool.
The New Mexico Health Equity Partnership (HEP), an initiative at the Santa Fe Community Foundation, works with a network of partners and allies to build movement to ensure every New Mexican can lead a healthy life, live in neighborhoods where our children and families thrive, and have a say in the decisions that impact their communities and their lives.
As a recipient of the 2017 RISE for Boys and Men of Color Capacity Building Award, HEP is excited to announce that in 2018 we will distribute a “capacity building resource” pool of up to $40,000 to grassroots organizations in Albuquerque and in surrounding indigenous communities between March 1, 2018 and October 31, 2018. RISE for Boys and Men of Color is a field advancement effort that aims to better understand and strategically improve the lives, experiences and outcomes of boys and men of color in the United States. RISE spans five fields (education, health, human services and social policy, juvenile and criminal justice, and workforce development) and focuses on four populations (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans).
Five to eight small grants will be awarded between the amounts of $4,000 - $7,500. Proposed ideas may include an organization hiring a consultant to help improve the organization’s current data collection systems; an organization’s members participating in a series of workshops to strengthen their skills; or collaborative partners convening together to develop practices to strengthen boys and men of color data sharing. These resources will be used to sustain and strengthen the work of boys and men of color by enhancing the ability of organizations to assess, document, and track effective practices and forward-thinking, asset-based, unconventional solutions. The vision is to advance understanding about the relationship between opportunities, social conditions, and systems that impact boys and men of color, and provide specificity in meeting the needs of communities.
Applications will be accepted until February 16, 2018 at 11:59 pm. Submit your application by email to Jessi Jensen. We encourage applicants to contact us about their proposed capacity building ideas prior to applying so we can provide guidance and feedback. To learn more and apply for this capacity building funding opportunity, please view the guidelines and application.