Executive Director

Job Description
Type of Job: 
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

Lead the organization's San Pedro commercial corridor revitalization efforts in collaboration with its Board of Directors. Responsible for day-to-day operations and support the Board’s efforts to move forward from a NM MainStreet Accelerator designee to a Main Street America Accredited program. Work with the Board and committees to implement Action Plan, seek appropriate funding, and implement an organizational fundraising plan.

Additional Areas of Responsibility: 

Maintain the RSPP website and social media accounts. Help recruit, train and manage project volunteers. Maintain appropriate records and accounts. Prepare communications, written/digital media announcements and messaging. Participate in appropriate training and skills development, including training provided by NM MainStreet.

Other Information/Requirements: 

Education and/or experience in commercial district revitalization, economic development, finance, public relations, planning business administration – public administration, non–profit or volunteer administration, architecture, historic preservation, small business development or related field. At least two years of experience preferred.

How to Apply: 

To apply, email a letter of interest and resume by 5:00 pm MDT, Friday, July 19, 2024, to Cynthia Serna, Board President, [email protected]. Inquiries or questions about the position may also be sent to this email address.

Salary Range: 
Contract $20-$25/hour depending on experience
Contact Information
Cynthia Serna
Revitalize San Pedro Partnership Inc.
1933 San Mateo NE Box 311
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
Business Fax: 
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Jun 22 2024
Date to Remove: 
Jul 31 2024

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