Mission: Our mission initiatives include:Providing opportunities to grow spiritually; Equipping women & girls to be leaders; Providing transformative educational experiences; Organizing for growth & flexibility; Working for justice through service and advocacy
Grantmaking Program Areas: Brighter Future for Children & Youth; Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Offering
Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:
Brighter Future for Children & Youth: United Methodist Women is offering grants of up to $10,000 for projects and programs that help prevent and end all forms of child trafficking, including child labor trafficking, modern day child slavery and child sexual exploitation. Programs supporting child survivors (ages 0-18) will also be considered for funding.
Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Offering: Since 1991, United Methodist Women has funded mission projects through Call to Prayer and Self-Denial offerings in four-year cycles. The first year supports programs at institutions related to United Methodist Women, the second year has an open theme, the third year funds buildings and institutions that have historical relationships to United Methodist Women, and the fourth year supports pensions and medical care for retired missionaries and deaconesses. 2014 will be the third year in the four-year cycle that will provide funds to buildings and institutions with historical relationships to United Methodist Women.
Assembly Offering Grant: United Methodist Women Assembly takes place every four years for members to celebrate, to lift up, to learn, and to return to their communities better equipped for mission. During this time, an offering is made to fund mission work for a designated theme. The upcoming Assembly Offering will fund maternal health and environmental justice projects. United Methodist Women sees these important issues as inextricably linked and critical for the thriving of women, children and youth today. Applications for the next Assembly Offering Grant will be available January of every year.
Application Instructions: Request for proposals and instructions are posted online in January.
Notes: Grants are usually by invitation only. However, occasionally RFPs are open to all nonprofit organizations.