Mission/Giving Statement: To elevate youth and the community to become effective advocates and ethical stewards of themselves, wildlife, habitats and the environment.
Grantmaking Program Areas: Environmental Education; Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) Education; Environmental Leadership Training; and/or Animal Rehabilitation Projects and Education
Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:
Environmental Education; Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) Education: Hands-on outdoor engagement opportunities, involve building environmental stewardship skills in creative ways and support Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) education efforts. Projects need to have quantifiable outcomes.
Environmental Leadership Training: Non-profit, academic or tribal organizations whose work involves building youth connections to our environment AND who operate within the four central New Mexico counties of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe or Torrance.
Animal Rehabilitation Projects and Education: We support sanctuary for non-releasable birds of prey and other animals.
Type of Funding/ Funding Restrictions: Flash Grants will be awarded up to $200. After review of your Letter of Interest, awards will be granted at this level. Implementation Grants will be awarded up to $2,000. After reviewing your Statement of Interest, the TTYL Community Advisory Board (CFAB) will issue selected applicants a Request for Proposal seeking additional information about the proposed project. Our goal has been to streamline this process while maintaining a rational basis to support our grant making decisions.
Application Instructions: Grant application instructions online.