Mission/Giving Statement: The Noyes Foundation will support grassroots organizatons and movements in the United States working to change environmental, social, economic and political conditions to bring about a more just, equitable and sustainable world.
Grantmaking Program Areas: Environmental Justice; Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems; Reproductive Rights
Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:
Environmental Justice: Advocate for public policies that will prevent and reduce toxic pollution and environmental degradation in low-income communities and communities of color and demand accountability from public agencies and officials and increased responsiveness to environmental justice concerns.
Develop and implement strategies for economic revitalization and environmental sustainability in communities suffering from environmental damage and the lack of economic opportunity.Challenge the expansion of corporate power and rights and hold corporations accountable for their impact on the environment
Sustainable Agricultural and Food System: Advocate for public policies that advance sustainable farm and food systems and demand accountability from public agencies and officials and increased responsiveness to sustainable farming and food systems. Increase community control over food systems to advance local food production, regional processing and distribution, just jobs, fair trade, and resource-efficient processes along the food value chain. Counter the further corporate concentration of food production and the industrialization of agriculture. Develop and implement a market place framework that includes the triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental indicators.
Reproductive Rights: Advocate for local, state and national policies that protect and expand the rights of all women and girls to access comprehensive reproductive health services and information. Expand the reproductive rights agenda to include a wide range of reproductive health and justice issues, including but not limited to abortion, and place these issues within a broader social justice framework. Broaden the base of reproductive justice activists at the state level to ensure that young people, low-income, people of color and immigrant communities are engaged in all levels of advocacy and leadership.
Type of Funding/Funding Restrictions: The Foundation makes general support grants and does not limit the number of renewal grants. It seeks organizations led by people of color and/or working in low income communities and requests that multiple priorities are addressed as well as those that bring together organizations and activists from diverse movements.
Application Instructions: Eligibility quiz and Internet application form/LOI instructions available online.