Mission/Giving Statement: The Hadassah Foundation is dedicated to refocusing the priorities of the Jewish community through innovative and creative funding for women and girls in the United States and Israel. Its mission is to improve the status, health and well-being of women and girls; bring their contributions, issues and needs from the margins to the center of Jewish concern; and encourage and facilitate their active participation in decision-making and leadership in all spheres of life.
Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:
The Foundation's main focus is social change, gender-sensitive projects that help low-income women in Israel from diverse cultural groups achieve economic independence/security.
Type of Funding/Funding Restrictions: Applicants, or their fiscal sponsors, must be tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The Foundation will not fund: Capital campaigns; Endowments; Partisan political activities; Direct service (e.g., treatment programs); Scholarships; or Local implementation of existing national programs.
Application Instructions: Visit www.hadassahfoundation.org, in the right hand column, click on the "How to Apply" link for guidelines and instructions for submitting a proposal.
Notes: As of July 2013, the Foundation is reviewing its American grant making program, and is not accepting proposals for projects in the United States.