MIssion/Giving Statement: A catalyst for uniting people and organizations to make a difference through better oral health.
Grantmaking Program Areas: Disaster Assistance Grant Program; Relief Grant Program; Samuel Harris Fund for Children's Detal Health Grants Program; Give Kids A Smile Grants
Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:
Disaster Assistance Grant Program: Provides financial assistance to dentists affected by devastation caused by natural disaster; like Hurricane Sandy.
Relief Grant Program: Provide financial assistance to dentists and their dependents who, because of accidental injury, a medical condition, disability or advanced age, are unable to meet basic living expenses.
Samuel Harris Fund for Children's Detal Health Grants Program: Grants of up to $5,000 each are offered to non-profit organizations and agencies that sponsor oral health instruction for mothers/caregivers to help reduce the incidence of early childhood caries.
Give Kids A Smile Grants: Dentists and other team members volunteer their time, and services, to provide screenings, treatments and education to children throughout the United States. Each year, approximately 450,000 children benefit from more than 1500 events, all because of the efforts of 40,000 or more annual volunteers. See website http://www.ada.org/givekidsasmile.aspx for more information regarding the program.
Application Instructions: Grant application instructions online.