Mission/Giving Statement: One of Albertsons Market Core Values is "Individually and collectively, we pledge to be active and responsible citizens of our communities." Albertsons Market proudly supports non-profit organizations in the communities where it does business with cash and products donated through our division offices and our stores.
Grantmaking Program Areas: Community Partners Program; Donations and Charitable Events; Hunger Relief; Youth & Education; Health & Nutrition; Environmental Stewardship
Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:
Community Partners Program: The program is a way to reward organizations in the community for shopping at Albertsons. Organization supporters use a key tag when shopping at Albertsons Market to earn credit for the Organization. 1-5% back per quarter.
Donations and Charitable Events: Small charitable contributions, products and/or in-kind donations.
Type of Funding/Funding Restrictions: Albertsons Market supports 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organizations that are charitable in nature and schools within its areas of operation. As a general rule, Albertsons Market charitable contributions are not used for general operating costs, unless organizations are part of the Community Partners Program. List of restrictions available online for donations. Albertsons Market contributes at the regional and local level with product or in-kind donations. For donations, if your organization promotes hunger relief, youth and education, recycling , and/or food and nutrition, and your event does not fall into the list of restrictions, Albertsons Market is happy to review your request and determine if it can partner with you on an event.
Application Instructions: Community Partner Application online. Event and donation request guidelines and form online.
Notes: To navigate the website, click on the "In the Community" under the "Our Company" tab to find Community Partners Program and donation request information.