Technology Assistance Fund - Deadline July 16

The United Way of Central New Mexico Technology Assistance Fund (TAF) has $48,000 available to award eligible nonprofits in the central New Mexico region. The TAF supports nonprofit organizations by funding their technological needs for hardware and software to better serve our community. To apply for the grant, please read the eligibility requirements and funding guidelines, and complete the online RFP.


Eligibility Requirements and Funding Guidelines:

1.     Provide verification of 501(c)3 status.

2.     An agency can receive a TAF over $1,000 once every two years (e.g. If your agency received a grant in calendar year 2009 of $1,000 or more, you cannot apply for funding again until calendar year 2011.  However, if your TAF grant was under $1,000, you may apply for funding in 2010.) 

3.     Explain in your RFP how the requested hardware/software will enable your agency to provide more efficient and/or more effective service.

4.     Purchased equipment becomes the property of the agency that received the technology grant and must be maintained by the agency a minimum of 5 years or until fully depreciated based on generally accepted accounting principles.

5.     Agency must apply by completing an online RFP specifying their desired IT needs.

6.     Agency must provide a minimum of 50% of the funding for any hardware and/or software purchased and UWCNM will reimburse an amount not to exceed 50% of the total cost. In many cases, United Way will be unable to fund the entire 50% of an agency’s request due to the limitation of available funds. A TAF grant may be given for an amount less that the agency’s request based on the committee’s recommendations.

7.     A copy of an invoice detailing the specifications of each item purchased and the purchase price must be provided to UWCNM within 30 days of purchase and will be kept on file at United Way.

8.     All equipment (hardware, software, licenses, etc) must be purchased within 3 months from the date an agency is notified of their grant. Any TAF dollars not expended within those three months will revert back to the TAF pool unless an extension has been granted by the chair of the TAF.

9.     No prior purchases will be eligible for reimbursement.

10.   Reimbursement from United Way is for purchases only. Equipment trade-ins cannot be used to cover the agency’s 50% responsibility and will not qualify for reimbursement.

11.   TAF dollars are not to be used to pay for IT staff, consultants, training, shipping or to cover the cost of labor associated with hardware and/or software installation.

12.   If an agency becomes insolvent within 5 years of the purchase date of any equipment purchased with a TAF, the equipment will be returned to United Way of Central New Mexico and will be awarded to another eligible agency if still usable.


The submission deadline is July 16, 2010, 5 p.m. MST. Your RFP will be reviewed by United Way’s Technology Assistance Fund Committee, a group of dedicated IT professionals who engage in their community through volunteerism. Your agency will be notified by email July 28, 2010.



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