Senior Program Coordinator

Job Description
Type of Job: 
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

Serve as a leader within the organization; provide leadership and team commitment; facilitate and coordinate philanthropic meetings and convenings; grow the membership by engaging foundations, funders, investors and nonprofit organizations; assist with grant writing and grant management, including writing/editing or overseeing applications and reports; and coordinate and facilitate virtual or in-person meetings and educational convenings.

Additional Areas of Responsibility: 

Facilitate collaborative funder and cross-sector initiatives, including Zone Grant and NMIIC, which includes project grant management, investment collaboration, programming, convening, communications and shared learning; support the development of collaborative capability among funders though facilitation and shared learning; and engage with business and regional, state and local government officials as needed to promote cross-sector strategic collaboration.

Other Information/Requirements: 

Master’s degree with concentration in nonprofit governance, business or economics preferred; 3+ years of experience in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector; ability to work on multiple projects at once; ability to manage incoming issues and propose potential solutions; must maintain a strict code of ethical communication and confidentiality; and must be self-motivated, a team player, and able to work with varied personalities.

How to Apply: 

Please send a cover letter, resume, salary requirements and three references to Frank Lopez at [email protected]. We will review applications through March 1, 2021.

Contact Information
Frank Lopez
New Mexico Association of Grantmakers/Center for Nonprofit Excellence
PO Box 70126
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
(505) 401-7444
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Feb 11 2021
Date to Remove: 
Feb 17 2021

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