Collaboration: Creative Response to Challenging Times - WEBINAR

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Challenging times call for organizations to respond by fully leveraging their capacity.  This kind of response is only possible when creative, resourceful working relationships are in place.  There is a lot of talk about the importance of collaboration but it often stops at the level of the inspiring speech and general statements about the importance of "being on the same team" or "needing to pull together."  Meaningful collaboration requires practical understanding of the human dynamics that support and undermine collaboration. 

This webinar will introduce a framework to assess your organization, focus on opportunities to improve working relationships, and identify barriers to the development of a collaborative culture that can generate superior outcomes.


Multi-organization collaborations, organizations considering collaborating and internal work teams that want to work collaboratively or want to improve their collaborative relationships.

Mark Bennett, J.D., Decision Resources, Inc. co-author of A Field Guide to Good Decisions - Values in Action and The Art of Mediation. Mark is a professional mediator and organization consultant.  He has worked with local, regional and international nonprofit organizations to help them build cultures of collaboration. 

Co-sponsored by US Bank and Daniels Fund.

U.S. Bank logo      Daniels Fund logo

December 4th, 2012 from 12:00 PM to  1:30 PM
Per Computer $15.00

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