Organizational Integrity: Values in Action

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This workshop presents a proven and practical approach to apply the organization's mission, core values, and ethical judgment when leaders, board members and staff face difficult, sometimes painful choices.  How do you encourage the kind of honest dialogue that sheds helpful light on the issue?  When resources are limited, important values are in tension and stakeholders will be negatively impacted, how do you come to a decision that is based upon what matters most?  How do you communicate tough choices transparently to preserve your credibility AND respond to likely criticism or concern that could undermine the durability of the decision?

Learning Objectives
- Understand that stakeholders assess integrity by an organization's decisions
- Understand the five steps involved in a good decision
- Learn how to apply the decision making process

Intermediate: for board members, Executive Directors and management

Presented by Mark Bennett, J.D., Decision Resources, Inc. and Joan McIver Gibson, Ph.D., authors of A Field Guide to Good Decisions - Values in Action.  Mark is a professional mediator and organization consultant.  Joan is an applied ethicist and philosopher.  Each has over 30 years of experience working with people facing challenging situations with limited time to make tough choices.

May 25th, 2011 from  9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, 87106
Phone: (505) 401-7444
Registration Fee
Per Participant $25.00

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