Developing a Fundraising Plan 2011

Using her e-book, "How to Create a Development Plan Step-by-Step," as a basis for the workshop, Jan Hosea will assist each organization attending in putting together a multi-faceted development plan.  Participants will need to bring a laptop.  Each organization will receive a copy of the e-book to use and keep.

The morning session will go through each step of the plan.  During the afternoon, each organization will have an opportunity to work with Jan and her associates to craft their own development plan.

Jan Hosea has been involved with nonprofit organizations all her life.  She "grew up" in the American Red Cross and served that organization for over 45 years as a dedicated professional and volunteer.  She has been a United Way professional, served as the Director of Development for the University of New Mexico School of Law and recently was the Director of Planned Giving for Presbyterian Health Foundation.  Through these positions and as a consultant since 1989, she has accumulated over 35 years of management and fundraising experience in the nonprofit sector.

This workshop is now full.  If you are interested, but unable to attend, please contact [email protected].  If there is enough interest, we will try to schedule another workshop a little later in the year.

$70 registration fee includes the cost of the e-book.  Each additional person from the same organization is $50.

What has been said about this training in the past:  "The training showed how to parcel out the elephant into small, manageable bites and clearly delineated tasks."

January 21st, 2011 from  9:00 AM to  3:00 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, 87106
Phone: (505) 401-7444
Registration Fee
Including E-book $70.00

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