Earned Income 9-2009

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How prepared is your organization to endure changes in the funding marketplace? Have you created a plan to diversify your revenue? Is your organization working strategically toward financial sustainability? If not, it may be time to invest in earned income instead of relying on traditional funding sources?

The funding marketplace is changing and the old ways of generating revenue don't always work these days. Many nonprofits are learning about social enterprise, or earned income, as a way to sustain themselves. Social enterprise generates unrestricted renewable income that enhances your mission.

In this highly interactive workshop, you will walk through the steps required to make your agency become a successul social entrepreneur. Hands-on exercises will explore your assets and opportunities. You'll learn the basics of market research and feasibility, costing and sales planning and review types of highly successful social enterprise in ventures in Albuquerque and around the US.

Presented by Jean Block of Jean Block Consulting, Inc. and Social Enterprise Ventures, LLC.

September 24th, 2009 from 11:30 AM to  1:00 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo Ave SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, NM 87106-87106
United States
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Event Fee(s)
Registration $15.00

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