President & CEO

Job Description
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

Serves as President and CEO of the Middle Rio Grande YWCA responsible for supervising staff, managing and creating programs, fundraising, grant writing, managing budget and finances and ensuring compliance with grant requirments.

Other Information/Requirements: 

Must be passionate about women's empowerment and issues.

Must be an exceptional leader who can build trust within a team including staff, Board of Directors and the Community.

Must be able to inspire a team and sustain and improve existing programs.

Must be able to fundraise and write grants.

Must be creative and able to engender creativity among staff.

How to Apply: 

Send cover letter, resume and salary history to [email protected]

Contact Information
Kathy Smith
YWCA - Middle Rio Grande
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Sep 12 2011
Date to Remove: 
Sep 23 2011

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